BBC 500 Word Challenge

Opening in January 2019 for its 9th year, 500 Words is one of the most successful story-writing competitions for children in the world and is open to every 5 – 13 year old in the UK. Today, Year 2 watched the Radio 2 BBC 500 Word live lesson. Please click on the link below to access this,

The lesson introduced the 500 Words competition to the boys and they started to plan ideas for a story. We have sent the planning sheet home today. Please do encourage your son to write their story at home and submit their entry online. There are some great prizes and the story may even be published!

Please use the link below to find out more and to submit the story online. If you decide to take part please do email a copy to us so we may share it on our class blogs. There will be no Story Spelling Challenge homework this week to allow the boys time to write their 500 word story. The story should be as creative and imaginative as possible.

Below is the link for the BBC Radio 2 website,

The closing date for competition entries is 8th March 2019 (7pm).

2 thoughts on “BBC 500 Word Challenge

  1. I really enjoyed doing the 500 word challenge. Here is my story.

    A Big Bang Traveller

    When the Big Bang happened, it was the biggest bang you can ever imagine. But it was really quick. Quicker than the blink of an eye!

    And there I was. In the universe. But it was tiny. About the size of a golf ball. But it was about to get much bigger…

    Protons, neutrons and electrons whizzed all over the place. I was one of them zooming around.

    I bumped into lots of other protons, neutrons and electrons and we stuck together and became an atom gang. (An atom is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.)

    There were loads of atom gangs all over the place. There were two gangs. Helium atoms and hydrogen atoms. I was a hydrogen atom. We were the coolest because we were the lightest (and flammable). I was a bit squished and squashed for ages, because for millions of years gravity pulled the atoms together which made us into clouds of helium and hydrogen the size of galaxies!

    It started to get hot inside the cloud. Atoms were crashing together and turning into stars. (I’d have taken my jumper off, if they’d been invented then)

    It became a bit boring staying as hydrogen. So my hydrogen atom collided together with some helium and joined up to become oxygen. Other atoms melted together and became carbon.

    It was more interesting to be oxygen and I was happy in my star, but after a few billion years my star died. This made me sad. My star exploded into a fireball and all of us atoms shot off into space. It was extremely hot and some of us melted together into metals like iron, copper and gold. (Those atoms felt more solid as a metal!)

    This happened again and again. The stars exploded and then they reformed all over again. After a few times it wasn’t so exciting any more. But then…

    The sun formed. The sun in our solar system. Not the one over there. Or there. Or there.

    The leftover atoms and metals combined together and developed into planets. The one that we live on, my favourite the Earth, began to form life on it.

    My cheeky oxygen reacted with hydrogen and we became water. I slished and sloshed everywhere. It was lots of fun.

    Eventually, some of the atoms in the seas joined together to make microscopic life. Those microscopic lifeforms evolved into animals like lions and kangaroos; and plants like flowers and banana trees. And people.

    I travelled through all of that and where will I be next?…

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