The Science Lab

On Wednesday we went to visit the Science Labs. The boys have been learning about the properties of materials. We used a bunsen burner to see how butter, water, ice, wax and chocolate changed when they were heated.

The boys have used the following vocabulary

  • solid
  • liquid
  • solidify
  • transparent
  • translucent
  • opaque
  • boiling
  • reversible
  • irreversible

It would be interesting to see how many of the word they can remember!


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This week has been a week of investigations!

In Science the boys had a selection of objects to test. They had to predict, then investigate if they could squash, stretch, bend or twist each object.

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In maths the boys had to find right angles within the classroom. Some boys found this quite a challenge so it would be worthwhile to practise at home too.

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A great start!

Year 2 have had a great start to the new term!

In Geography the boys used a balloon to have a go at positioning the continents of the world and the oceans. Some of the balloons were quite accurate!

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In Science we tested a selection of carrier bags to see which supermarket stocked the strongest bag. Maybe you could ask your son what we did and what the results were?

In Art we created our own version of Antony Gormley’s “Field for the British Isles”. This is what the original loos like

and here are some of  ours….



We hope to put them with 2F’s to create our own art installation!

We have also been solving multiplication sums. You might like to use the links below to play some multiplication games

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Happy New Year!

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

Year 2 have only been back a day but have already been very busy!

Yesterday we talked about Christopher Columbus and his discoveries. You can learn more by using the link below

In Science the boys began to use the following words

  • rigid
  • flexible
  • opaque
  • transparent
  • translucent

I wonder if they can remember what they mean?

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.