I needed some help this week. The boys know that I often take my marking home with me so, as part of our materials topic, we tested different supermarket carrier bags to see which ones I could rely on not to break! We looked at the different types of plastic that they were made from and then counted how many books they could hold before they broke or were full. We also looked to see if there was any damage to the bags.
In order to make it a fair test we used the same type of books and just changed the bag.

And the winner was … the double layer recycled plastic Waitrose bag which could hold 40 books without even a mark! The biodegradable co-op bag was definitely the weakest – it only held 13 books before it broke. We can’t wait until next week’s investigation, where we will look at the properties of different materials.
In maths this week we were investigating rules around odd and even numbers. What happens when you add odd and even numbers? What about odd and odd or even and even? What about when you multiply them?

In history we were finding out about the Tudors and Elizabeth I – did you know she was imprisoned very near here at the Old Palace in the grounds of what is now Hatfield House? She was sitting under an oak tree when she was told that her sister Mary had died and she was the new queen!
We also got to smell lots of exciting fruits in our rainforest writing where we came up with WOW! words to make our writing really interesting and exciting.

Please remember we have forest school on Friday afternoon so bring in coats, hats and wellies if they are not already in school!